With the city buzzing since the Braves made the World Series, former mayor Kasim Reed has been asked if he regrets letting the Braves move to neighboring Cobb County? While the World Series would've brought tons of revenue into the city, Reed seemed more than happy with his decision to let the ball club relocate to the suburbs.
“I think you just said the Atlanta Braves, so it's all good." Reed said at a recent press conference.
The old Turner Field, where the Braves played from 1997 to 2016, was converted to Center Parc Stadium in 2017, and now serves as the home of the Georgia State University Panthers football program.

Cobb County offered the Braves $450 million to relocate the team to the northwest Atlanta suburb back in 2013. At the time, Reed said he was unwilling to use taxpayer dollars to match that offer, particularly because the Braves were unwilling to commit to staying in Atlanta long-term.
“I’d make the same decision everyday and twice on Sunday,” Reed said.
Reed touted the growth and expansion of Georgia State as his reasoning for standing behind his decision. He told reporters that in his eyes, everything worked out for the best.