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Kasim Reed leading in mayor's race according to recent poll

Atlanta Decoded

In spite of legal action against six of his staffers, former mayor Kasim Reed is leading in this year's mayor's race, according to a recent 11Alive poll.

Seventeen percent of those polled said they will be voting for Reed this November. Atlanta city council president Felicia Moore trailed behind him at 10%. Thirty-nine percent of respondents said they were still undecided.

According to this poll of 650 Atlantans, just 70% said they were likely to even vote this November.

The poll also asked voters if a candidate being under investigation for campaign finance violations would be a major factor in their votes, and 64% of respondents said that it would be. The AJC recently reported that Reed is under federal investigation for allegedly using campaign funds to buy jewelry, vacations, lingerie and furniture. Reed has vehemently denied the accusation.

The poll also examined the race for city council president. It showed that 55% of voters are still undecided in this race. However, political newcomer and army veteran Mike Russell polled in first at 14%, while former APS school board chair Courtney English polled second at 12%.


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